Brightleaf Square Durham NCinformation about David & Barbara Wentworth and their bookshop
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about our bookshop

David Wentworth and Barbara Leggett Wentworth, husband and wife owners in their 47th year as antiquarian book dealers, 42 years in Brightleaf Square.

Excellent selection and condition are to be found in a very diverse stock of Antiqurian and select new titles in many subject areas.  Expect the unexpected.

We buy and sell quality Books and Atlases.

ABAA - Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America Member of the
Antiquarian Booksellers Association
of America.

ILAB - International League of Antiquarian Booksellers Member of the
International League
of Antiquarian Booksellers.

bookshop durham

Events  -  Promotions
Valentines for Sale!
The old Valentines are out.  Early 1900's - 1960's.  Valentine books also.